Consideration being given to the need to maintain the balance between compliance with the legal regulatory framework applicable to the engineering profession on the one hand and the need for inclusivity in respect of other allied and/or potential and/or related disciplines, provision is herein made for accommodating participation by allied and/or potential and/or related disciplines including but not limited to students, artisans, technicians and apprentices to the extent not inconsistent with the letter and spirit of the framework applicable to the engineering profession.
Full membership of the NSBE (SA) shall be open to:
A candidate for election as a student shall be following an approved course in engineering at a recognized tertiary educational institution having successfully completed one year (1) of study in engineering at that institution. Such persons should have agreed to be bound by the constitution of the Chapter and having being admitted to membership, agree to pay such annual subscriptions or other appropriate fees as shall be determined by the National Executive Committee.
Student members shall have the right to attend and speak at all general, annual and special meetings of the Regional structure but not vote.
This grade of membership is designed for engineering allied practitioners with NQF level below five (5), who do not qualify for election to the grade of ordinary member, but who would benefit through membership and participation in the activities of the Society, and for those who are progressing through continuing education and experience towards the qualification for ordinary member. Such persons should have agreed to be bound by the constitution and code of conduct of the Society and having being admitted to membership, agree to pay such annual subscriptions or other appropriate fees as shall be determined by the National Executive Committee.
Ordinary members shall have a right to attend and speak at all General, Annual and Special meetings of the Society and will have the right to vote thereat.
For election or transfer to the grade of Ordinary member, the candidate shall be in possession of a recognized qualification in engineering from an accredited institution and be eligible for registration with professional bodies like ECSA. Such persons should have agreed to be bound by the constitution and code of conduct of the Society and having being admitted to membership, agree to pay such annual subscriptions or other appropriate fees as shall be determined by the National Executive Committee.
Ordinary members shall have a right to attend and speak at all General, Annual and Special meetings of the Society and will have the right to vote thereat.
Corporate members shall be no more than entities, natural or juristic, that identify with and abide by the constitution, aims and objectives of NSBE, save that such corporate members shall not have any voting rights in relation to matters pertaining to the conduct of the affairs of NSBE.