Patrick Masuku (Pr. Eng, BSc Eng(civil), NDipl (civil) completed his Matric with a distinction in mathematics at Katlegong High School. Among his achievements:
- He completed his national diploma in civil engineering at Mangosuthu Technikon.
- He was the first African student to complete a BSc Eng degree in record time of full time 4 years at the University of Durban -Westville (now UKZN) at the end of 1990. In his final year, he was awarded a Concrete Design Price by Portland Cement Institute as shown in the picture.
- In 1996, he qualified as the Pr Eng with ECSA.
- He was the first black South African to design a bridge in KZN, Qwaqwa, and Mpumalanga province.
- He spends most of his time as a senior design engineer, where he designs any structures, civil engineering infrastructure like municipal services, and project management of his designs.
- He was the director and shareholder at Eyethu Engineers and lately of Skhevo Consulting.
- Since March 2020, he has been not active due to a lack of projects and political instability in South Africa.